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Blog introduction


This blog facilitates as a forum to talk about a zillion thing, every piece of work is carefully knitted to the F fabric. A forum that is backed by love for literature. A forum that feeds on the trend F.

So, this is all about the subtle art of how to give an amazing F. (any bells ringing!?)

Where F being a:

· Food Recipe

· Family Virtue

· Fashion Statement

· Fitness Motive

· Fight Technique or

· /Fɪˈlosophical/ Passage

Quintessential F’s.

Cardinal Algorithm of the blog:

Connecting the Dots

It is very interesting to find patterns in the data, connecting the dots is one familiar mechanism to look at the information. Often this mechanism of connecting the dots create patterns with the available data. And creating a pattern would help simplify things or would help in bringing the uncertainty to a lower level.

This pattern formation may not always result in favourable cases,

The human brain is capable of identifying patterns & creating patterns as well. In some cases, the latter part happens when the former is difficult to accomplish.

In some cases, this particular creation of a pattern might be completely out of logic and might lack human reasoning.

So, what does fit and what doesn’t can only be validated by rigorous debate, this is what the great philosopher Socrates believed in. To evolve a culture by social debating where ideas and information are exchanged that could lead society towards a greater good.

In this forum, we will look at different stories, articles etc and articulate thoughts about them. We’ll try connecting or calling one piece of information into another, with a mechanism of connecting the dots and see whether it is capable enough to bring an inference or pattern.

In programming terms, simply assume every construct as a ‘public class’ which can be called by passing parameters while working in another class.

So happy reading and enjoy fruitful debates!


"Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought its words"

- Robert Frost

This section features raw expressions on emotions that may or may not contain political correctness!


This section features articles that circle around the F- Theme, mark my words this piece of information jounces back in your mind somewhere down the line and may impact the way you do things thereafter.


A crying child can be lullabied by a story. A fighting warrior can be motivated by a story.

From the safest place: mother’s lap to the deadliest place: war field, a story exists everywhere.

A story is capable of being larger than life, there are stories which are recited again & again & again as long as the species of sapiens move across this land.

I believe that a story has no universally accepted definition, however, I am a storyteller who would love to narrate stories with an underlying meaning or moral. Also am a reader who would take away something philosophical from a story, that could revolutionize my thinking process.

With all that being said, you are in here for a treat of diverse stories, Let’s dive right in!


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